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Sunday, November 23, 2014
'Puspa' Nepali Film Show
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Smoking and Nepali Youth
Smoking and Youth in Nepal
Photo by: Nirdosh Prem |
Six years before, when I was a school student almost 15% of my class mates used to smoke in toilet during the break time. And, according to a report nearly a quarter of high school students in the U.S. smoke cigarettes.I don't think its much different in Nepali context.
Smoking and the Problem:
Taking some tobacco in a small pipe is known as 'Smoking', in Nepali context. Most of the young (Teens and School Students), learns smoking from their parents in Nepal. Father of the home smokes as they come to home from out side and as they go to other's house them are welcomed with a piece of Cigarette. In village area, parents themselves ask to bring cigarette and even asks to put on fire. As children grow up they learn to smoke, so it's parents who teach to smoke to their young children. However parent warns not to smoke as their children become teens, with making some alerts of health problems.
And yes! Smoking has many health risks for everyone. Since the school students are teenagers and, the younger you are when you start smoking, the more problems it can cause in your health.
For example:
- People who start smoking before the age of 21 have the hardest time in quitting. That means younger people suffer a lots in correcting the habit.
- About 30% of youth smokers will continue smoking and die early from a smoking-related disease.
- Teen smokers are more likely to use alcohol and illegal drugs. That means smoking is a very first step to go on drug addictions.
- They are more likely to have panic attacks, anxiety disorders and depression. It may lead to the mental diseases.
Tobacco in Nepal
Tobacco is 'a substance which is smoked in cigarettes, pipes, etc.,which is prepare
d from the dried leaves of a particular plant'. But in Nepal, tobacco is not just used for the cigarettes rather it is used to just keep in mouth just behind the lips (up and down). 27% teenagers take tobacco (either as smoking or keeping behind the lips). Out of 27% teenagers; 3% are girls and 24% are boys.
Solutions of the Problem:
In Nepali Christianity Smoking is known as Sin. So whoever comes to church has to leave such habits. However, it's not just a matter of sin and punishment of God, rather then the health of the person. Parents and other adults who work with teenagers can help them to stop smoking by warning them of the risks of smoking. They can also set a good example by not smoking themselves, as Bible demands us to be an example for others.
Smoking has been become a habit for the College students too. Approximately, 25% of the college students of Nepal smoke at least once a day. Smoking is the leading preventable cause of death in the Nepal. Most of the regular smoker starts their smoking during college life.
In Nepal, the media doesn't advertise the cigarettes a lots. However, Poster and Boards could be found ever where advertising Cigarettes. People can smoke even in the public areas. So that also young people are attracted to smoke in Nepal.
According to the current law in Nepal, companies are to print 75% of the box of cigarettes/ tobaccos cancer problems's picture or such matter which gives awareness not to smoke. Recently, government has decided to make it 100% area of the box to be covered with such matter/ picture. However, it has not make any difference to change the situation among the teens.
According to my view point, smoking should not be done either in the young age or old, not because of the fear of church leaders or pastors or not even by thinking it is sin, rather it spoils our health. Our health is given by God and should take care it. We should respect out body because it is temple of God, where He lives.
Drug Abuse in Nepal
k|d'v zx/sf o'jf nfu"cf}ifw b'Jo{;gLdf km:b},
d08nL s]jn d'sbz{s
xfn} u[x dGqfnon] u/]sf] ;j]{If0f cg';f/ g]kfnsf @^
zx/x¿df dfq sl/a ! nfv nfu"cf}ifw k|of]ust{f km]nf k/]sf 5g\ . u[x
dGqfnon] !* lhNnfsf] @^ ;x/df u/]sf] ;j{]If0fn] ;f] tYo aflx/ cfPsf] xf] .
;/sf/L tYofÍ cg';f/ kl5Nnf] % jif{df dfq nfu"cf}ifw k|of]ust{fx¿sf] ;+Vof
bf]Aa/ x'g cfPsf] xf] . cWoog cg';f/ sf7df8f}+ pkTosfdf ;a}eGbf a9L nfu"cf}ifw
;]jgst{f /x]sf 5g\ . d'n'se/sf !* lhNnfsf] Ps dxfgu/kflnsf, rf/
pkdxfgu/kflnsf;lxt @^ ;x/df ;j{]If0f ub{f sf7df8f}+ dxfgu/kflnsfdf dfq} #^ xhf/
( ;o (* lszf]/lszf]/L nfu"cf}ifwsf] s'ntdf km;]sf] b]lvPsf] 5 . !^ b]lv !(
jif{ pd]/ ;d"xn] dWod vfnsf] / @) b]lv @$ pd]/ ;d"xsfn] s8f lsl;dsf]
nfu"cf}ifw ;]jg ug{] u/]sf] ;j{]If0fn] b]vfPsf] 5 . ;j{]If0fcg';f/
;'g;/Ldf & xhf/ $ ;o &, sf:sLdf ^ xhf/ ( ;o !&, df]/ªdf ^ xhf/ $ ;o
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$ xhf/ %), k;{fdf @ xhf/ ! ;o #) / cGo lhNnfdf !! xhf/ (& hgf
nfu"cf}ifw k|of]ust{f /x]sf 5g\ .
;j{]If0f cg';f/ @^ ;x/df s'n (! xhf/ % ;o #$ hgf
nfu"cf}ifwsf k|of]ust{f e]l6Psf] / pgLx¿sf] hLjg kfl/jfl/s / ;fdflhs ¿kdf
;'vb g/x]sf] b]lvPsf] 5 . kfFr jif{cl3 dGqfnon] u/]sf] ;j{]If0fdf $^ xhf/ # ;o (
hgf dfq} e]l6Psf lyP . kfl/jfl/s ;d:of a9\b} uPsf] / ;fdflhs If]q klg 8fdf8f]n
x'Fbf b'Jo{;gLsf]
;+Vof a9]sf] b]lvPsf] 5 . s'ntdf km:g]x¿ ev{/} P;P;nL lbPsf / pRr dfWoflds
lzIff xfl;n ug{] txdf /x]sfx¿ g} a9L kfOPsf 5g\ . lszf]/ cj:yfdf of] ntdf km:g]
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. sl/a #@ k|ltztn] !% jif{eGbf cl3 g} nfu"cf}ifwsf] s'ntdf nfu]sf] atfPsf
5g\ . nfu"cf}ifw k|of]u ul//x]sfdWo] ## k|ltzt @) b]lv @$ jif{sf 5g\ . To;}u/L,
@@ k|ltzt @% b]lv @( 5g eg] @) k|ltzt !% b]lv !( jif{ pd]/ ;d"xsf 5g .
To:t}, !$ k|ltzt #) b]lv #$ jif{sf / !% jif{d'lgsf klg ! bzdnj % k|ltzt
afnaflnsf;d]t /x]sf 5g\ . nfu"cf}ifw ;]jg ug{]x¿df lax] gu/]sf ^% k|ltzt 5g\
eg] ljjfx u/]sf @( k|ltzt /x]sf 5g . h;dWo] %% k|ltzt cfdfafa' tyf kl/jf/sf]
;fydf 5g\ eg] @) k|ltzt cfdf;Fu a;]sf 5g . kfFr jif{ cl3sf] ;j{]If0fdf ufFhf / /S;L
;]jgst{f pNn]Vo lyP eg] clxn] cf}iflwhGo nfu"cf}ifw, x]/f]Og, clkmdhGo
kbfy{sf] ;]jgst{f a9]sf 5g .
lbgk|lt lbg kfl/jfl/s / ;fdflhs ;d:ofsf] cf8df o:tf]
o'jfx¿ dfem ljs/fn kl/l:ylt ;[hgf eO{ /xFbf d08nL / v|Lli6og ;d'bfon] eg] vf;}
rf;f]sf] ;fy sbd rfn]sf] kfO{+b}g . s]xL o'jf ;]jsfO{ / o'y ;]G6/x¿ ;+rfngdf
/x]sf / ltgLx¿n] o:tf o'jfx¿sf] dfem ;]jf k'¥ofpg] sf]lzif ul//x]sf] ePtf klg
d08nL / ;d'bfosf d'Vo cu'jfx¿sf] Wofg hfg' klg h?/L b]lvG5 . ;dfh / d08nLsf
o'jfx¿ o:tf] 8/nfUbf] ;d:ofdf k/]kl5 ;f]Rg' / k'k'{/f]df xft /fVg' eGbf o;
ljifodf ;dodf g} ;f]Rg] kf] xf] ls <
-of] ;dfrf/ o'jf bz{g O;fO{ klqsfdf k|sflzt ePsf] lyof]_
-of] ;dfrf/ o'jf bz{g O;fO{ klqsfdf k|sflzt ePsf] lyof]_
Social Affects by Facebook
;fdflhs ;+hfn km];a'ssf] ;fdflhs c;/
g]kfn k|x/Lsf] kl5Nnf] tYofÍ cg';f/ g]kfndf klg
kl5Nnf] lbgdf km];a'ssf] sf/0f ;dfhdf ;fOa/ qmfOd a9]sf] b]vfpF5 . ;g\ @)!! df l8jf];{ cgnfO{gsf] cf+sf8f adf]lhd
cd]l/sfdf x'g] ;a} ;DaGw laR5]bsf 36gfsf] Ps ltxfO sf/0f km];j'ssf] lyof] . pQm
cgnfOgsf] cg';f/ ;DaGw laR5]b ug{]x¿n] km];j's sd]G6, kf6{g/;Fu Rof6, Dof;]h,
e4f sd]G6, km];j's ;fyLh:tf k|df0fx¿ k]z ug]{ u5{g\ . g]kfnL ldl8ofdf klg
km];a'ssf] ljifodf ;dfrf/ cfO/xG5g\, oL dWo] o'jfdf cfwfl/t o:tf ;dfrf/df
clwsf+z g/fd|f / cfkf/flws 36gfx¿ klg hf]l8Psf 5g\ . xfdL o'jfx¿ klg of] ;fdflhs
;+hfn rnfpFbf xf]lzof/L ckgfpg] xf] ls <
-of] ;dfrf/ o'jf bz{g O;fO{ klqsfdf k|sflzt ePsf] lyof]_
Social Networks as means of Faith Sharing
;fdflhs ;+hfn ca ljZjf; afF8\g]
dfWod aGb}
gf]e]Da/ @)!$, sf7df08f}
;"rgf k|ljlwsf] lasf; lbgfg'lbg a9\bf] 5 . ;"rgf k|ljlwsf]
ljsf; h'g ?kb] a9\bf] 5, 7Ls To;} u/L o;sf] nf]slk|otf klg Tolts} dfqfdf
al9/x]sf] 5 . laif]zu/L o'jf k':tfdfem o;n] /fd|};Fu h/f uf8]sf] kfOG5 . km];
a's, 6\jL6/ h:tf ;fdflhs ;+hfn cfh va/ cfbfg k|bfg / ldqtfsf] lglDt j/bfg :j?k
;fljt eO/x]sf] a]nf o;n] ;dfh / kl/jf/df ljljw gsf/fTds c;/ kf/]sf ;dfrf/x? klg
k|sflzt eO/x]sf 5g\ . kl5Nnf] lbg vf;u/L g]kfn h:tf t];|f] d'n'sx?df ;fdflhs
;+hfnx?sf sf/0f ck/flws sfo{x? a9]sf] atfOPsf] a]nf ;fdflhs ;+hfnsf] ;sf/fTds
k|efjaf/] Ps /f]rs tYo ;fj{hlgs ePsf] 5 .
xfn} cd]l/sfdf ;fj{hlgs ul/Psf] Ps vf]hsf] kl/0ffd cg';f/ @) k|ltzt
o'jfx?n] ;fdflhs ;+hfnsf] dfWodaf6 ;';drf/ ;'gfPsf] atfPsf 5g\ . !( k|ltztn] /s
;+·Lt ;'g]sf] / sl/a Toltg} k|ltztn] afOanLo k|jrg
;'g]sf] atfPsf lyP . o; vf]hsf] kl/0ffd cg';f/ kl5Nnf] lbg nf]slk|t /x]sf] /s ;·Lt jf
6]lnlehg af6 ;';drf/sf] lglDt lbOg] k|jrg eGbf o'jfx?n] ;fdflhs ;+hfnsf]
dfWodaf6 s]xL a9L ;';drf/ ;'lg/x]sf] yfxf x'g uPsf] 5 . cem /f]rs s'/f t s] 5
eg] $) k|ltztn] t emg\ o]z"sf] af/]df ckmnfOg ;+b]z ;fyLx?nfO{ 5f]8\g]
u/]sf 5g\ . ;f] vf]h k]pm l/;r{ ;]G6/n] ;fj{hlgs u/]sf] xf] .
xfdLn] k|of]u ug{ hfGof}+ eg] ;fdflhs ;+hfnsf] dfWodaf6 klg ;';drf/
;'gfpg ;Sg] /x]5f}+ . s]jn kmf]6f] cknf]8, sd]G6 tyf nfOs;, s;}sf] JolStut tyf
wfld{s, /fhgLlts ljifodf dfq s]Gb|Lt x'g' eGbf ;fdflhs ;+hfnnfO{ ;';drf/sf]
Pp6f dfWod kf] agfpg] xf] sL Û
(This news was earlier published in eSUCHANAPATI- www.esuchanapati.blogspot.com)
Inter Baptist Church Bible Quiz 2014
@ gf]e]Da/, sf7df08f}
pkTosf alKt; o'jf ;+u;ltsf] cfof]hgfdf x/]s jif{ x'g] cGt/d08nL /lg·sk xflh/L
hjfkm k|ltof]lutfsf] ;ftf}+ l;hg zlStzfnL alKt; d08nL, nlntk'/n] lht]sf] 5 .
pkTosfsf !! j6f d08nLsf hDdf !@ 6Ld aLr cfof]hgf ul/Psf] pSt k|ltof]loutfdf
lnle· alKt; d08nL, glvkf]6 bf];|f] tyf wfkfv]n alKt;
d08nL, nlntk'/ t];|f] ePsf lyP . dWodf~rn If]qLo alKt; d08nL ;+3sf ;lrj l8sg
lbks s'df/ nfld5fg] Ho"n] ;+rfng ug'{ePsf] pSt k|ltof]lu. tf ;fdbfg alKt;
d08nL, sf7df08f} df ut gf]e]Da/ @ tfl/ssf lbg ;DkGg ePsf] lyof] . ljhoL 6LdnfO{ zlStzfnL alKt; d08nLsf kfi6/ k|]dgf/fo0f e §/fO{, pkTosf alKt; o'jf ;+ultsf k'j{ cWoIf l8= sdn l;jfsf]6L / km]y alKt; d08nLsf kf:6/ lbks /fO{ Ho"n] k|df0fkq, d]6n / sk k|bfg ug'{ePsf] lyof] . ;g\ @))& b]lv lg/Gt/ cfof]hgf x'Fb} cfPsf] of] k|ltof]lutfsf] ;ftf}+ ;+:s/0f /x]sf] o; ;+ultsL cWoIf P:t/ e§/fO{ bfxfnn] hfgsf/L lbg'eof] .
zlStzfnL alKt; d08nL, nlntk'/ |
lnle· alKt; d08nL, glvkf]6 |
wfkfv]n alKt; d08nL, nlntk'/ |
-kmf]6f] M k|sfz kfv|Lg_
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